Building Today's Leaders



LTC is a training centre used by the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI) Ontario District to strengthen the local church by equipping and training workers for the harvest field of Ontario. They provide a full spectrum of hands on, doctrinally sound ministry training to evangelize Ontario.

It is our privilege to partner with you to help you prepare for your calling and ministry. Please don't hesitate to contact us for any concerns and inquiries, you can find a contact form in this website or call us on the number provided in this page.

Yours Truly,

Rev. Peter Pryce
Administrative Dean | Leadership Training Centre | Ontario District | UPCI


It is our vision to see labourers in the Kingdom of God in every cities and towns of the Ontario Province.

Campus Locations

Leadership Training Centre strengthens the local church by equipping and training workers for the harvest field.

Quality instruction from licensed ministers of the United Pentecostal Church International Ontario District.

LTC provides a full spectrum of hands on, doctrinally sound ministry training to evangelize Ontario.

Where are the campus locations?

London Campus:
Ottawa Campus:
Pembroke Campus:
Sudbury Campus:
Toronto Campus: